Scattered, Part 2 – Growing

What is a church? It’s a simple question that doesn’t seem to have a simple answer. Big churches. Small churches. Formal churches. Informal churches. Even when Christians believe basically the same things they sometimes have very different ideas about church....

Scattered, Part 1 – Who, Not Where

What is a church? It’s a simple question that doesn’t seem to have a simple answer. Big churches. Small churches. Formal churches. Informal churches. Even when Christians believe basically the same things they sometimes have very different ideas about...

The Weary World Rejoices, Part 2 – Mighty God

2700 years ago, Isaiah gave a message of hope to the tired and weary people of Israel. He told them that although things were dark, a new day was coming when things would get better. It all hinged on a child – born to be a king. So Israel watched and waited for...

God@Work, Part 4 – God’s Work

In part 1-3 of this series we’ve explored what God has to say about our work – the productive, creative endeavors that fill our days. We found that work is what we were created to do, and that God has a lot to say about how we do it. But what is God up to...

God@Work, Part 3 – Choosing to Cheat

We were all created to work. It’s part of how God made us, but for most of us, we have a lot more going on in our life than just work. We have personal responsibilities, we have relational responsibilities, we have hobbies, and for families, we have family...