Different, Part 1

Different, Part 1

Jesus challenges us to live differently, to be lights and show the world a different way. In this series we’ll highlight two powerful ways that we can be Different....
Lent 2016, Part 4

Lent 2016, Part 4

Participate in Lent with us this year. This 40-day season from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday is about repentance, reflection, and drawing near to God. If this is new to you, give it a try this year. We’ll be reading through the book of Luke together as we follow...
Why Only One?

Why Only One?

There’s an interesting story in the book of Luke. It’s about one man’s encounter with Jesus and how it changed his life. But there’s a Thanksgiving twist to the story. Today, Emily Schulz will be answering the question: Why Only One?...