In the third week of our Common Practices series, Pastor Stephen Redden discusses the daily habit of sharing a meal with others.

Discussion Questions for Common Practices Pt 3, A Daily Meal with Others | May 3, 2020

Key Passage: Luke 7:34, Isaiah 25:6-8

Discussion Questions

  1. How did your family eat meals growing up (together, on your own, in front of the TV, etc)?
  2. How often do you eat meals on your own these days? What is your primary reason or motivation for eating alone?
  3. What makes a great shared meal for you? What kind of food, what setting, what people, etc?
  4. How have you experienced sharing meals as a way to build community? Share some of the most enjoyable meals you remember with friends or family.
  5. How have you experienced sharing meals as a way to open up conversation about faith?
  6. Read Isaiah 25:6-8. How does the description of God’s Kingdom as a party – a grand banquet – affect you you?

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