Scattered, Part 1 – Who, Not Where

What is a church? It’s a simple question that doesn’t seem to have a simple answer. Big churches. Small churches. Formal churches. Informal churches. Even when Christians believe basically the same things they sometimes have very different ideas about...

The Weary World Rejoices, Part 2 – Mighty God

2700 years ago, Isaiah gave a message of hope to the tired and weary people of Israel. He told them that although things were dark, a new day was coming when things would get better. It all hinged on a child – born to be a king. So Israel watched and waited for...

God@Work, Part 4 – God’s Work

In part 1-3 of this series we’ve explored what God has to say about our work – the productive, creative endeavors that fill our days. We found that work is what we were created to do, and that God has a lot to say about how we do it. But what is God up to...

God@Work, Part 3 – Choosing to Cheat

We were all created to work. It’s part of how God made us, but for most of us, we have a lot more going on in our life than just work. We have personal responsibilities, we have relational responsibilities, we have hobbies, and for families, we have family...

God@Work, Part 2 – Handcrafted

As we step back from the individual circumstances of our working life, good or bad, and begin to look at what we do through the lens of faith there is a tension we must address. While we want to work with all our heart as if working for God, some days we’re not...