Easter is a day to celebrate the hope that we have. This year we look at the words from the prophet Ezekiel to remember that there’s always hope that God can do the unexpected.

Discussion Questions Easter | April 21, 2019 | Click here for printable version.

Key Bible Passage: Ezekiel 37:1-14


1. How did you celebrate Easter (if any) growing up? Did you have any special family traditions?
2. We all experience despair regularly whether we want to admit it or not. Despair is simply the loss of hope that something will change or get better. What are you feeling despair about right now? Why do you feel despair about this circumstance or area of your life?
3. Are you the kind of person who rarely admits despair? If so, why?
4. Reread the passage from Ezekiel if you need to refresh your memory. Ezekiel is told to speak words of hope to dead bones. What words of hope do you need to hear right now? What’s the difference between words of hope and pat answers?
5. How does Ezekiel’s vision/experience point forward to Jesus’ resurrection? What connections do you see? What insights does Ezekiel’s story offer?
6. How did this message challenge you specifically? What is one thing you need to do differently this week?

Moving Forward

  • Memorize one of these verses this week: Romans 8:11, Ephesians 1:19-20.
  • Listen to the song Dry Bones by Gungor each day this week.
  • Do you have a friend in despair who needs to hear words of hope? Consider how you might share words of hope with them this week and then do it.