Serve Denver
We want to be part of God’s renewal of the city of Denver. So we think it’s important to share our time and resources to address legitimate physical, economic, and spiritual needs. At NDC, we decided to focus our efforts by partnering with Joshua Station.
Joshua Station (Mile High Ministries)
Mile High Ministries was formed in 1988 as a collaborative effort between a group of churches, across denominational and cultural lines. Over the years, MHM has served the urban poor and marginalized of Denver deeply connected to our neighborhoods in numerous ways. NDC has partnered with MHM by specifically serving and supporting their Joshua Station initiative.
Joshua Station is a faith-based community helping families make the transition from homelessness to a healthy, stable living environment. Since 2001, Joshua Station has provided long-term transformational housing and support for high-risk families with multiple barriers to self-sufficiency. We encourage NDC attendees to contact Joshua Station and find a way they can serve that fits their talents and passions. Corporately, NDC serves Joshua Station families in three key ways:
D-Group Service Projects
We encourage each NDC Discipleship Group to serve together at least once at Joshua Station. Many D-Groups have “spruced a room” where they’ve cleaned, painted, and refurnished a room for a new family. Another way to serve is to coordinate with your D-Group to provide a meal one evening for the residents at Joshua Station and their families.
Events and Drives
We partner with MHM and Joshua Station throughout the year on various events like a fall school supply drive and their annual Christmas Store. These are great opportunities for NDC attendees to help out.
Financial Support
Each year, NDC gives about 15% of all donations we receive to mission efforts outside the walls of our church. A portion of our mission giving is donated directly to Joshua Station.

Serve Guatemala
NDC is not only concerned with needs in our local community; we believe that we have the opportunity and responsibility to engage the needs of the world. But the world is a big place. And we can’t do everything. So we decided to focus on one particular area of the world for now—the Mayan highlands of Guatemala.
San Pablo La Laguna
In 2010, we began a long-term partnership with a small church, Vida Real Iglesia, in the village of San Pablo La Laguna. San Pablo is a beautiful village with amazing people. But 97% of its residents live below the UN poverty line; 79% live below the extreme poverty line. Our mission and goal has been to simply love the members of Vida Real church and help them serve their village.
We realize that American churches have sometimes done more harm than help in the world. So we began this partnership in Guatemala very intentionally. While we have done some specific projects along the way (like construction work and helping to start a school), we always seek to prioritize relationship, learning, and support over problem-solving.
Get Involved
There are a few ways you can get involved in what NDC is doing in Guatemala:
- Sponsor a child at the school in San Pablo. Members of NDC currently sponsor about 140 children for $250/year. This is an easy way to help. Check out this page for more details on sponsoring a student or even a full classroom. Or you can email us directly at [email protected] for more information.
- Go on a partnership trip. We will announce future trips here several months in advance. You can expect the total cost to be about $1200-1400 per participant.
- Pray. Pray for Pastor Antonio and his family as they lead their church and manage the school. Keep the students and their families in your prayers as many of them experience financial hardship and difficult family situations. Pray for the gospel to reach all of God’s people.
Updates from Guatemala during Covid-19
2023 Partnership Trip Update
What it’s like to sponsor kids in Guatemala

Mission Grants
Mission just means sharing God’s love in word and deed with others. Maybe you have a creative idea for how to do that in your neighborhood, school, workplace, or peer group. But money might be a barrier. With that in mind, we’ve put together mission grants to help you to run with your idea!
A mission grant is a financial investment of up to $500 to help make your great idea a reality. Whether it’s an event to build community in your neighborhood, an idea for serving the needs of under-served people in our city, or creating a unique way to show love to those who need it most, we want to hear from you.
We ask individuals or groups who apply for a grant to meet these qualifications:
- A regular attender of NDC, who’s been attending for at least six months
- Someone who has demonstrated their commitment to the mission and vision of NDC
- Applicants must be at least eighteen years or older and if under the age of eighteen must be working in partnership with a parent, guardian, or NDC staff person
Wisdom should be a guiding principle when planning an activity to be supported by a mission grant. The activity should honor Jesus’ teaching to love God and others and be a tangible expression of that love.
Funds are limited, and grants will be awarded based on factors such as consistency with NDC’s vision and values, creativity, need, and participation in New Denver Church.
- Applicants must complete the mission grant application and speak to an elder or staff member before getting final approval.
- An estimate of expenses must be provided during the application process with as much detail as possible.
- If you are approved for a grant, 50% (up to $250) will be given to you up front. Afterwards, when you provide an accounting of the costs with receipts, you will be reimbursed for any outstanding costs (up to total of $500).
- After the event, we ask that every grantee follow up to give an account of their experience by sharing stories, pictures, or video from their event. This gives us an opportunity to celebrate as a community and also provides ideas and inspiration for others within the community.

Church Planting
In 2016, NDC staff and elders announced an ongoing commitment to invest in multiplying leaders and churches around the metro-Denver area. To accomplish this goal we established the NDC Church Planting Residency.
The primary goal of the church planting residency is to cultivate, develop, and launch church planters to create new faith communities. This is a process that includes evaluation and preparation, the cultivation and growth of a core team, and the launching of a public presence. Churches that NDC helps to plant remain autonomous but stay connected through the Church Cooperative of Denver (CCD).
Future Church Plants
If you’d like to learn more about our Church Planting Residency, you can email [email protected] or you can click here to learn more about the residency requirements and apply online.
Nova Church
In the fall of 2020, NDC hired Chuck and Katie Fowler as church plant residents. In March 2021, Katie and Chuck launched Nova Church in the Capitol Hill area of Denver. For more information about Nova Church click here.
Westside Church Internacional
In 2017, NDC hired its first church planting resident to launch Westside Church Internacional – a multi-cultural, bilingual church in west Denver. Their vision is “Loving God. Serving neighbors. Welcoming nations.”